Artisan Flooring LLC
6011 Goodwin Road
Cashmere, WA 98815
Phone: (509) 782-0777
Give us a call today - we would love to meet with you!
Showroom Hours
Tuesday 9:00-12:00
Wednesday 12:00-2:00
Thursday 10:00-2:00
More great tips can be found HERE.
Almost every wood floor endures some expansion and contraction as seasons and humidity levels change. When homes are heated, humidity levels plummet, boards shrink, and spaces appear between the boards. In dry months, cracks can easily develop to the thickness of a dime. Light colored wood makes the cracks more noticeable. These spaces are to be expected and usually close as the season changes and moisture returns to the air. To reduce the degree of change, homeowners can add moisture to the air during dry months by using a humidifier.
Read more about seasonal cracks HERE.